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Save the date for the Arizona Wildland-Urban Interface Summit Dec. 4-6, 2024

Arizona Wildland Urban Interface Summit

Join us December 4-6, 2024 in Tucson, Arizona for the AZ WUI Summit: Partnering to Build Wildfire Resilient Communities!

Presented by The AZ Wildfire Initiative, Northern Arizona University School of Forestry, and the Southwest Fire Science Consortium.

About the Summit

The Arizona Wildland Urban Interface Summit is a statewide event for wildfire preparedness, planning, and postfire recovery. Participants will discuss emergent strategies for landscape-scale wildfire planning and implementation, access professional networking opportunities, and leave with a renewed confidence on how to collaboratively address and manage wildfire concerns – before, during, and after the fire. This year, the AZ WUI Summit will focus on creating a cohesive framework devised by leaders across the wildland urban interface; share best practices, current efforts, and specific projects in the WUI; and offer tools and techniques for collective improvements on these efforts.