This is a 9-month, tenure-track appointment. We seek an applicant with expertise in modeling interactions between climate, wildfire, and other disturbances, broadly defined, whose interests will support, build, and complement the School of Forestry’s and NAU’s programs in these and related areas. This position will support the newly established Arizona Wildfire Initiative, housed in the School of Forestry. There are three facets to this program that include: 1) enhancing workforce development and education; 2) science communication; and 3) community resilience and preparedness for wildfire. To enhancing workforce development and education, we are developing new online undergraduate and graduate programs that this position will support. The anticipated start date for this position is August 2024.
Apply Now! Positions currently listed on the NAU HR Human Resources webpage Job ID 607613.
Contact Dr. Andi Thode, 928-523-5457/ for more information.