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AZWI Job Round Up!

There are some exciting new positions for those looking for work in wildland fire and forestry!

The Nature Conservancy Arizona is looking for 1-2 field technicians to measure fuels and vegetation plots focusing on pre/post Rx Fire assessment of surface/canopy fuels and regeneration. Learn more here and contact to apply!

Village of Angle Fire, New Mexico is hiring a Fire Adapted Community Ambassador Coordinator. This position will communicate with Village members on topics regarding fire prevention activities that will be taken by the Village in the future including such things as defensible space ordinance (DSO) and home hardening. They will also find grants that will fund thinning and fire breaks in the town limits and establish a volunteer group to assist in these and other efforts. Learn more here!

Sierra Pacific Industries is hiring two positions: Reforestation Manager and Procurement Manager. Jobs close soon–click the links to learn more!

Find more job openings here! and if you are hiring in the forestry/wildland fire fields and would like us to highlight a job opening, send an email to Wade at