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Lauren Orme & Kimberly Walker presenting to the 2024 STAR program participants.

AZWI Workforce Development and Education: Spreading the Word on NEW Wildfire Degree Programs!

Kimberly Walker, Student Development & Support Coordinator, Sr. with Arizona Wildfire Initiative’s Workforce Development and Education facet, has been busy at work spreading the word about our new degrees to grade school students across Arizona. Kimberly, along with other members of the Workforce Development and Education team, met with a range of middle school and high school students in their classrooms and at college and career fairs during the spring. She has really enjoyed interacting with interested students and introducing them to the world of forestry. She also presented for three partnered organizations,
S.T.A.R. (Successful Transition and Academic Readiness), ACE (American Conservation Experience), and Forestry Challenge, and tabled for the Pride of Maricopa Conference. These events provided the AZWI Workforce and Education team with great opportunities to showcase the School of Forestry and our new online degrees and explaining our plans for the future.

What is the new online Applied Wildland Fire Science, Bachelor of Science degree?

This degree will prepare professionals trained for managing wildfires, working with organizations ranging from municipal to state, federal, and international. Many people working in fire sciences have some level of college training but lack the specialized courses and BS degree required for supervisory or career positions. Wildfires are rapidly increasing in importance as a major disruptor of lives, infrastructure, and ecosystems across the American West. Climate warming and accumulated fuels contribute to making wildfire a dominant and unavoidable disturbance throughout this century.

Find out more about our new degree programs here!