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Sonoran Desert Fuel Breaks: Field Trip Summary

Thank you for joining us on the field tour of Sonoran Desert Fuel Breaks. All of us with the Southwest Fire Science Consortium team and field trip planning committee are grateful for the conversations and connections.

If you would like a copy of the newly created Sonoran Desert fire perimeter map, please fill out this evaluation. Your feedback helps us continue doing this work – thank you!

Share your 2-3 best photos from the trip! Email me or upload here. By sharing, you give us permission to use these in our various educational products. (thank you!!)

I’ve attached the list of attendees and signed everyone up for the SWFSC quarterly e-news (all 12 of you who weren’t already subscribed). We hope to see you at another event sometime!


Keep this on your radar:

  • Fire session at the Ajo Tri-National Symposium looking at the hotter-drier edge of the Sonoran on Wednesday, March 6 from 1-3:30pm.
  • Case Study hosted by CART on fuel break techniques is getting created – we will share.
  • A Story Map with a summary and video clips of the field trip – stay tuned!
  • Fire and Invasion in the Sonoran Desert – A Science Synthesis. This will include a list of research and management questions generated during our time together – we will share.
  • AZ Wildland-Urban Interface Conference likely December 2024 in Phoenix – stay tuned to our E-news!
  • SAVE THE DATE: Southwest Fire Ecology Conference – Nov 18-22 in Santa Fe