Temporary Field Contracting – Fuels and Fire Effects Monitoring; TNC/USFS

What: Temporary Field Work Opportunity with The Nature Conservancy and US Forest Service

Who is this job for: Current students, post-graduates, and others

When: July 2024 – November 2024; Flexibility on work hours

Job Description:

1-2 Field technicians are needed to measure fuels and vegetation plots focusing on pre/post Rx Fire assessment of surface/canopy fuels and regeneration. The main work would be traveling and navigating to plot locations and installing surface fuel transects (Brown’s transects) and/or photoload points, as well as fixed area plots where all seedling/sapling/trees will be measured for diameter, height, etc. There will also be a need to follow up on prescribed burns and perform fire effects and fuels monitoring post-treatment.

If interested, reach out directly to Travis Wooley at twoolley@TNC.ORG