Workforce Development
First Steps
Step One: A Workforce Needs Assessment
We are interviewing a wide range of Arizonans who work in fire and forestry to identify gaps in their field’s workforce. After finishing the first round of interviews, we will form focus groups that will discuss workforce needs and think through the best ways to furnish students with educational programs that fulfill these needs. Learn […]
Step Two: Creation of New Educational Programs
Our workforce needs assessment will inform the creation of new educational programs in the School of Forestry. We anticipate that this may include, but is not limited to, launching an on-line/hybrid undergraduate Fire and Forestry Certificate for professionals, exploring a…
Step Three: Collaborating with Agencies, Community Colleges, and Private Industry
Workforce development will include educational programs for university credit, continuing education, and workforce training modules for professionals. Collaboration with community colleges, agencies and private industry is critical; therefore, we will hire for positions designed to foster these collaborations and to…